MPOX Awareness brochure
Mpox is a rare disease transmitted through direct contact with someone or some wild animals who have the virus. Infection can happen through intimate contact, or physical contact with the scabs and rashes of the infected person.
يعد جدري القاف مرضا نادرا ينتقل عن طريق التواصل المباشر مع شخص مصاب أو بعض الحيوانات البرية المصابة بالفيروس. يمكن أن تحدث العدوى من خلال التواصل الحميم أو التواصل الجسدي مع القشور والطفح الجلدي للشخص المصاب
Menstrual Hygiene
This animated video addresses period misconceptions in an effort to correct them. This includes the fact that girls and women can work out and shower normally during their period, can choose from a variety of menstrual hygiene products and should be able to discuss periods without any shame. Every broken myth and misconception brings us closer to normalizing periods!