“How is empowerment different from capacity development?” one would ask. The difference is that empowerment is not only about skill-transfers, but also about the co-creation of environments where people from marginalized communities can thrive. We believe that the material conditions and the basic needs of all marginalized communities must be met through the provision of tangible opportunities for better livelihoods and lives. It is not in capacity, that many lack, but in the structural ability to bring their talents and work into fruition.
I hear you, I see you, I am you
Lebanese Union for People with Physical Disabilities (LUPD) documented stories of women with disabilities that are subjected to Gender based violence, for the 16 Days of Activism to End GBV 2022. Those women couldn’t be photographed as it will put their lives in danger.
Marwan Tahtah (Photographer) worked with Christelle as an actress, on a series of photos, to give those women a visual representation for their stories.
Read the stories on the blog

It’s beautiful to grow up من الجميل أن نكبر
من الجميل أن نكبر, هي رزمة توعويّة تهدف إلى مساعدة الفتيات المراهقات على تعزيز ثقتهنّ بأنفسهنّ وتجاوز التحديات التي قد تعرّض سلامتهنّ للخطر
International Women day 2020
This series reflects the participation of the queer community in the International Women's Day March 2020 and show the intersectionality within some of the feminist movements in Lebanon, right before the LockDown due to COVID-19.
It is a series of six short films the document and raises the voices of the folks who participated in the March while focusing on #INTERSECTIONALITY as a theme.