1MORECUP’s human right-based approach contributes to the empowerment of the communities it advocates for by voicing their stories, creating spaces for collaboration and bridges between minorities, building capacity within the communities and among those who gravitate around them (civil society, institutions, etc.). 

Unbiased visual production

Unbiased production is our tool for advocacy to raise awareness, document and to create accessible knowledge. We produce and offer specialized audiovisual research and transform educational material into sharable media formats. 

While it is inevitable that people are influenced by their subjective experiences and positionalities in the world, we believe that achieving good reporting and unbiased production is feasible through the valorization of diverse voices within the framing and production process. 

Capacity development

1MORECUP supports various stakeholders involved in the humanitarian-development-peace HDP nexus and ensures their programming and activities extend to diverse communities and marginalized individuals, using different interventions: conduct research, facilitate workshops, deliver training, and develop toolkits.

1MORECUP also focuses on developing the capacities of different marginalized communities, leading to their active participation in advocacy efforts.

1MORECUP bases its work on Evidence-based research, Collaboration & Mobilization 


Evidence-based Research: Documenting is essential to fight misinformation and remain agile and accurate in our work, to understand the factors influencing any kind of oppression, the ways it translates in society, or to measure the progress of one action.

Research should not be exclusionary. It must be participatory and accountable to the communities which it is set to serve. In this sense, our services are based on facts, data, testimonies, etc., which we dissect to turn into accessible infographics and media within various formats appropriate for the needs of the populations it must reach.   

Collaboration: 1MORECUP exists within a network of other civil society organizations, grassroots movements, and committed individuals, building synergies with them to accelerate change.  

Mobilization: We believe in a fight for more gender equality and social inclusion that isn't held in the long term by the civil society alone or pending for political will to change but rather that emanates and is led by survivors and marginalized populations. 

We strengthen their skills to act and mobilize as many as possible. 1MORECUP aims to create a community that gathers individuals beyond the differences that appear to define them as they have similar reasons for their struggles and shared goals of a desirable future.